Friday, March 07, 2008

3/7/08 TGIF!! I think...

Well here we are, our 2nd week down and counting! The kids are getting better-in stages! Audrey is feeling better, no more vomiting (which is great for me). Logan's fever finally broke late Thursday (he had a fever for two days topping the charts at 104.5) I was a bit nervous since I wasn't sure where a hospital or surgery (clinic) was and I would have to take three kids on a bus to base if need be. So thank God that is better! Liam was doing well today and after his afternoon nap he woke up with a gunky eye! I can only imagine it to become pink eye. This happens after the base doctor's close for the weekend. As with all major medical issues with small children the get worse after office hours. I think the kids and insurance companies sign a deal in the delivery room to only get ill with things that need medical attention after office hours! I could be wrong. I'm looking into it though.

I haven't heard, but I'm sure Ivan is alive and well in Kitty Kennel....Audrey still misses him and frequently asks to go to the cat hotel to see him.

We are awaiting the hurricane like winds over the weekend. They are estimating that the winds will reach up to 80 miles per hour!! This is not the norm as far as weather in this area we are told. So I can only imagine that once again God is telling us something. :) When we first moved to Maryland it was a drought and they hadn't had a drought in several years. Once again God may have been speaking then as well.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We are about 3 weeks from getting into the's hoping we all can survive that long!!

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