Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Update on Liam

Yesterday, Nov. 17th Liam had his well baby appointment (and shots or jabs as they say here).

Here are his stats:

Liam is fine, he is in the 75 percentile for height and weight.
He is 30.5 inches long and 22.6 pounds.

He is the smallest baby I have had!!

The Dr said that he looks great, is progressing well and keep doing what we are doing!

He also cut another tooth on the bottom left, finally, he was lop-sided there for a while with 3 teeth on the bottom and 4 on the top. :)

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 07, 2008


It was a little dark in the gym so not that great with the pictures...but here we have it.
Audrey was a Fairy...in all pink! So strange, she doesn't really like pink and hasn't wanted to dress up in the past. But you take 'em when you can!

Logan was a super hero. He was one of the characters from The Incredibles. He wore this outfit last year...a good super hero can't be put away!

Liam was Piglet. He wasn't feeling too good, had a cold so he wasn't too happy to be in that outfit.

We went to the base Fall Festivities (not as good as Elvaton's last year I have to say!) anyhow the kids got thier faces painted (well, not Liam).

Pooped Piglet!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Guy Fawkes Night/Bon Fire Night

Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night (click on the name above to go to the site to read more about it).

This is something else...there have been fireworks in our village (right over top of our house) for the last three nights!! These people like to celebrate the failures of this poor guy (funny) Guy Fawkes. He failed to blow up Parliament! I went to the third floor play room of our house and looked out the window, in the distance there were several large bon fires on the hills...they are a few miles away so they have to be pretty big.

Just thought that I would share this interesting festive night with you. It's funny to see and hear large and loud fireworks not only above our house, but in November.

So go out and celebrate an English Holiday!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Liam's 1st Birthday Picture

Liam's 1st Birthday! Oct 15, 2008

The Birthday Boy!

Just a cake I made, doesn't look all that great, but tasted really good!

He really enjoyed that cake!!

After his cake and ice cream he (well mainly Audrey & Logan) opened up his birthday gifts. He got lots of money and lots of nice toys. It was good first birthday!