Sunday, October 19, 2008

Long lost relative...hmmm?

Well, I did it I took the picture Bud and I kept saying we needed to take....he looks like this after he eats when he runs his hands all through his hair and after we clean him up and sometimes when he wakes up.
The Mug Shot of Liam Hiller...but who does he look like to you? Scroll down after Liam's picture to see, then let us know what you think.

(Nick Nolte) Scary isn't it!?!?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Liam and the washer...

The washer is suppose to have a door to it to integrate it with the others cupboards, but the landlord has yet to do that. That means it's the perfect place for Liam to play! He loves to open it up, stick his head in and yell!! It's really funny to watch him. Oh and yes, that is the washer in our kitchen! We have another one in the laundry room with the dryer (they belong to the base along with Henry). But this one stays with the house. We are lucky to have this in the house, most people have a washer and dryer in the garage around here.

Here are some random pictures...

I would like to introduce you to Henry! I love him!! He is the greatest vacuum I have ever had! It's a German made product they give us along with a few other things to set up house...I will hate to leave him behind.

This is Liam-he isn't as fond of Henry as I am. He usually cries and "runs" away as fast as he can when Henry comes out. I can imagine being scared of a thing that makes a loud noise, has a face with a long nose and cashes after your mom while she walks around. So being in the high chair is a great place for Liam.