Sunday, March 02, 2008

March 1st 2008...The Visit!

Our sponsor took us to see Ivan! Oh Happy Day!!! Well at least for Audrey and Ivan. the reunion was a happy one. Audrey was so happy to see her Ivan. He looked a little upset at first to see us, like he was trying to tell us he didn't sign up for a long plane ride and then to caged for a month with 19 other cats and God knows how many loud barking dogs!!

He came around and snuggled Audrey and Bud. We didn't stay too long since if you wanted to pet him you had to be put in his cage and the door locked behind you and the visit was monitored by one of the Kennel employees. Felt like a prison visit! England doesn't have rabies here and haven't a case in over 25 years or more so they are STRICT!!

Ivan is being well cared for. They have his correct food, a heated cat bed, he is in a two story condo with toys and a cat walk. There is a window into his neighbor's room...which happens to a female feline! That cat gets all the breaks I tell ya!!

He comes out and home with us on March 31st. I think we will just wait until we are settled into the house and then get him.

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