Monday, June 16, 2008

What's happening with the kids..

Well, Saturday, June 14 we went Knaresborough for the Great Bed Race. It was interesting, the teams of 7 people all race around town in "beds" and end up in the River Nidd. It's been a tradition for many many years. They had a little carnival type thing set up and the kids enjoyed that.

Saturday night Liam was really sick and had a fever all day on Sunday. It was no fun. I took him to the Dr on base and she sent me the hospital where they have all their pediatricians. It was an experience! They admitted him to check him out for what ended up being just what I ear infection with a fever. He has been teething lately and not feeling well. So from previous experience and from the way he was acting I thought ear infection as well.

The Dr on call wanted to run blood tests to rule out meningitis, TB, and a host of other ailments. I said no! All I wanted was antibiotics and Motrin. Well the funny thing is they don't give antibiotics for ear infections and they didn't know what Motrin was! It was interesting time telling them his fever in Fahrenheit and they only know Celsius. Telling them the drugs he was on (Tylenol) and they didn't know what that was. I also had to know when he last "opened his bowels", and if his "downstairs bits" were okay! (a dirty diaper and his private area if you needed interpretations). They also said he was "floppy". Tired and limp. They asked if he ever stay in hospital (yes they don't add the in there) and I said only when he was born via c-section. They asked why, I said he stayed with me until discharged and she didn't understand. I explained I had a c-section and we stay in the hospital 3-4 days. She was shocked! Women here leave 6 HOURS after having a c-section with their baby!!

It was an experience to say the least...but very friendly people!

Liam is doing better now that he has Motrin equivalent and Tylenol equivalent. I think I felt a tooth coming through as well. Time will tell.

As Liam is getting teeth, I noticed tonight while brushing Audrey's teeth that the two front bottom teeth looked crooked. I touch the one and it's LOOSE! Can you believe it?!? 5 years old and her tooth is loose. She is very upset by this. She said she likes her teeth and doesn't want them to come out. The tooth fairy didn't even make her feel better. We will see when it falls out, have to go to the dentist (on base) to have it looked at.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a nice Father's Day!

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