Thursday, July 03, 2008

July 1, 2008

Before After

Audrey has had a loose tooth for awhile and she would play with it (using her tongue) and we kept telling her to eat apples to see if it would fall out. She told us that she wanted to keep all 100 of her teeth and that she didn't want it to fall out. She refused to even hear about the Tooth Fairy taking her tooth and leaving her money.
Well I was washing Logan's hand for dinner and she came running in the bathroom yelling "ouch ouch ouch it hurts" I thought she meant her hand at first because she kept holding it. Then she yelled "put it back mom, put it back!" I realized that she ate her carrots and her tooth fell out.
The tooth fairy left her some money and took her tooth and she wasn't happy. If you look closely you can see that her new tooth is up!
Also, Liam now has two teeth on the bottom and seems to be getting his top teeth as well. Logan was sad. Audrey and Liam are getting new teeth so Logan said that he wanted one of his to come out too.

1 comment:

Ben said...

What a relief! After looking at the pictures but before reading the story I thought she lost her nose!!