Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Liam's First Haircut! 2-12-09

Well I did it! I had too, his hair was getting so long, but was so pretty, it needed to be cut and he needed to look like a little boy. The lady did save a cute curly from the side and a big bunch from the bangs. He looks like a big boy! :( So least he's still very cute!

He is also getting 4 molars at one time so he is cute and grumpy! lol


Jo Knox said...

HY Liam. You are soooo cute. You look just like your daddy!!!!
You are growing way too fast!!

Tammy Brown said...

Hi Shelby and family. Liam is gorgeous. Hope everyone is well. My email address is I talk to your mom almost everyday. Weather is cruddy here. Soggy and cold. Grandkids growing fast. Are you enjoying it over there? Have a good one. Tammy

jendakerr said...

Adorable with long and short hair..
miss you guys!!